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In the Mayan worldview, the ceiba is a sacred tree which represents life. The tree is the connection of the visible and the invisible. Its branches caress the heart of heaven and its roots the heart of earth. This knowledge has inspired love, strength and vision in the Hernandez López family to care and preserve for more than four decades, approximately 700 hectares of tropical rainforest. 70% of its territory is original forest with trees of approximately 600 years. Today it is home to many species of flora and fauna, some in danger of extinction such as the giant fern (Cyathea arborea), or animals such as the marlin (Felis pardalis), the pajuil (Penelopina nigra), the peacock bass ( Crax rubra) and the gongolone (Crypturellus soui).

This is one of the few places on the banks of the river Tinto Negro that has remained intact since the first communities were formed in this area. It is characterized by being a vital point for more than 16 watersheds that flow into this river. Almost all the surroundings of the farm, which are thousands of hectares, have been cut down for the raising of cattle. Due to this problem in the dry season of the year, water is scarce, therefore the preservation of this forest is crucial to guarantee water and life as a whole.


We have successfully practiced rewilding as a method of preserving the forest and its diversity. Over the years, an integral farm has been developed following in the footsteps of our parents Argelia López and Rafael Hernández who took advantage of all natural resources without causing damage to the ecosystem.

Our parents love nature and were committed to its conservation, they created this farm in 1980, where they raised a family of 15 children. The education they offered us included respect for life in all senses, they taught us of the benefits of medicinal plants and trees. We learned about the soil and what grows in this place: how to plant and maintain crops and at the same time preserve the land. The forest became for us a supermarket and a pharmacy. They also taught us the importance of social justice and ensuring the well-being of the community. They, along with other families, founded the community of El Guano and its school. They also donated more than 100 hectares(a basin) so that the communities of El Guano and El Paraíso had access to drinking water.


Our father was an environmental leader who lost his life for this cause. We dedicate our work to uphold his principles and we make an urgent call to everyone to create a bridge between local and global communities so that we can learn about each other.  This is a time for us to unite as one people and to share knowledge about each community's values and focus on how to improve our environment.  The main point is to exchange information on how to build a strong economic development strategy involving forest sustainability and agricultural methods that improves livelihoods and quality of life for everyone.  There is a need to develop environmental awareness about the importance of maintaining the biggest treasure our world has: Nature. We support the work that all environmental leaders around the world are doing, especially those who are persecuted for their mission to protect these sacred spaces.


This project is intended to be a farm model so that all those who wish to replicate it can do so where it is possible. The goal is to continue the intense work of soil regeneration and reforestation and to add thousands of trees in the next few years to help to offset our collective carbon footprint. The forest is a source of life that teaches us to balance our being; offers us harmony, balance and peace. Preserving the jungle is a major responsibility to create well-being now and for the next generations. Without forests there is no life.

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